Hosting Outage: Secure-24 Production

Impact Assessment:   RED

The following notification is to inform you of an upcoming support event.

Location(s): Secure-24 Production Data Center/Secure-24 DR Data Center
Estimated Start: Friday, March 8, 2024, 7:24 AM EST
Estimated End: Friday,  March 8, 2024, 10:54 AM EST
Total Window for Outage: 210 minutes
Estimated Time of Client Impact: 210 minutes

Event Summary: Secure-24 experienced a power outage from both A/B banks during a routine maintenance window to upgrade their conditioned power circuits. Power has been restore, and operations are back up and running. An RCA is underway, and that will be sent with additional action steps and future remediation by 3/15/24.

Contact Information: If you have any questions, please send an email to the CUSG support system [email protected].

Timmy Bohlman CTO of Technology Services, CU Solutions Group
p: (800) 262-6285
e: [email protected]

Event/Notice Key:
Green: No disruption of service
Yellow: Potential disruption of service or degraded service
Red: Disruption of service or outage of service